‘It’s Like Amazon, But for Preschool’ (Audrey Watters)


This guest post in written by Audrey Watters. She describes herself as “ … an education writer, an independent scholar, a serial dropout, a rabble-rouser, and ed-tech’s Cassandra.”


A year ago, the richest man in the world asked Twitter for suggestions on how he should most efficiently and charitably spend his wealth. And today, Jeff Bezos unveiled a few details about his plans – other than funding space travel, that is. His new philanthropic effort, The Day 1 Fund, will finance two initiatives: the Families Fund will work with existing organizations to address homelessness and hunger; and the Academies fund “will launch an operate a network of high-quality, full-scholarship, Montessori-inspired preschools in underserved communities.”

“We’ll use the same set of principles that have driven Amazon,” Bezos wrote in a note posted to Twitter. “Most important among these will be genuine intense customer obsession. The child will be the customer.”

The child will be the customer.

Bezos then went on to cite a phrase that is so often misquoted and misattributed in those shiny, happy motivational PowerPoint slides – you know the ones – that people like to post to social media: “Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.” W. B. Yeats never said this, for the record, but words get so easily twisted, history so easily co-opted.

The assurance that “the child will be the customer” underscores the belief – shared by many in and out of education reform and education technology – that education is simply a transaction: an individual’s decision-making in a “marketplace of ideas.” (There is no community, no public responsibility, no larger civic impulse for early childhood education here. It’s all about private schools offering private, individual benefits.)

This idea that “the child will be the customer” is, of course, also a nod to “personalized learning” as well, as is the invocation of a “Montessori-inspired” model. As the customer, the child will be tracked and analyzed, her preferences noted so as to make better recommendations to up-sell her on the most suitable products. And if nothing else, Montessori education in the United States is full of product recommendations.

There’s another piece to all this, not mentioned in Bezos’s note about building a chain of preschools that “use the same set of principles that have driven Amazon”: Amazon’s own labor practices. The online retail giant is a notoriously terrible place to work – the pay, particularly in the warehouses, is so low that many employees receive government assistance. The working conditions are dangerous and dehumanizing. “Amazon has patented a system that would put workers in a cage, on top of a robot,” read the headline in last week’s Seattle Times. And it’s not so great for the white collar workers either. “Nearly every person I worked with, I saw cry at their desk,” one employee in books marketing told The New York Times back in 2015.

The majority of the early childhood educators in the US are already very poorly paid; many preschools have incredibly high turnover rates. As research has demonstrated that preschool has a lasting positive effect on children’s educational attainment, there have been efforts to “raise the standards,” demanding for example that preschools be staffed by more qualified teachers. But that demand for more training and certification hasn’t brought with it better pay or benefits. The median pay for preschool teachers, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, is less than $30,000 a year. Even those with Bachelor’s degrees earn only about $14.70 an hour, about half of the average wages for all those with the same level of education.

This is a field in which a third of employees already qualify for government assistance. And now Jeff Bezos, a man whose own workers also rely on these same anti-poverty programs, wants to step in – not as a taxpayer, oh no, but as a philanthropist. Honestly, he could have a more positive impact here by just giving those workers a raise. (Or, you know, by paying taxes.)

Bezos is not alone in eyeing the early education “market,” which has received quite a bit of attention from ed-tech investors in recent years. So far this year, three companies have raised venture capital to help people run preschools and childcare facilities in their homes: Wonderschool, WeeCare, and Procare Software. Last year, VCs poured millions into similar sorts of companies, including Tinkergarten, Sawyer, and Kinedu. Investors in these startups include some of the “big money” names in Silicon Valley: Omidyar Network, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, and Andreessen Horowitz, among others. (One of these companies, WeeCare, says it’s also planning to train and license childcare providers, and it wouldn’t surprise me to see the micro-certificate, online education, nanodegree folks also jump on this bandwagon. “Uber for Education” or something.)

Ostensibly, there’s no shortage of potential “customers” for these private preschool software startups – the demand for childcare is high, and many families live in what the Center for American Progress has called “child care deserts,” that is places where there are no options for affordable, high-quality early childhood education.

But are private preschool chains really the path we want to pursue, particularly if we believe that access to excellent early childhood education is so incredibly crucial? Can the gig economy and the algorithm ever provide high quality preschool? For all the flaws in the public school system, it’s important to remember: there is no accountability in billionaires’ educational philanthropy.

And, as W. B. Yeats famously never said, charity is no substitute for justice.



Filed under Reforming schools

8 responses to “‘It’s Like Amazon, But for Preschool’ (Audrey Watters)

  1. James

    Dear Larry, may I urge you to add a note at the beginning of this post to acknowledge that this is Audrey’s writing and you are cross-posting it here with permission?

    • larrycuban

      Thanks for the note, James. Whenever I have a guest post I put the writer’s name in parentheses to indicate authorship. To make it clear for Audrey’s post I have added a line to insure that readers know who wrote it and a link to her blog.

  2. Pingback: “Charity is no Substitute for Justice”: the Jeff Bezos Boondoggle | GFBrandenburg's Blog

  3. Laura H. Chapman

    I wish to add to Audrey’s wonderful treatment of Montessori as a hot brand and more generally early childhood education as a hot market (with Amazon ready for doing “it” at scale.

    Cincinnati Ohio has been a center for Montessori Education since the 1960s. In addition to offering an undergraduate program in Montessori Education, Xavier University in Cincinnati established the first graduate Montessori teacher education program in the nation. That was 1965. The University also operates a Montessori lab school for student teaching and observation, ages 3 to 12. Graduates of the program are certified by the American Montessori Society (AMS) and may take courses to qualify for Ohio Early Childhood Licensure.

    A sample of graduate courses (from the website) includes much you are unlikely to see in “Montessori-lite” programs where the name is only functioning as a brand. History and Philosophy of American Education, Foundations in Exceptional Children Special Education, Organization of Education Systems in the United States, Educational Research, Educational Research Paper, Montessori Education: Philosophical Approach, Early Cognitive Development, Methods of Observation (according to some undergraduates and graduates one of the most important for teaching).

    Cincinnati Public School “choices” include four elementary schools K-6 and the first grade seven extension (1994) with expansion in 1999-2000 to become the first public Montessori High School in the United States. There is no entrance exam. You can read more about the high school program at https://clark.cps-k12.org/academics/curriculum.

    For some time there were legal and pedagogical disputes between the American Montessori Society and the International Montessori Society. That dispute was settled by a judge who said Montessori had become a “generic” brand-like name. Thank you Audrey and Larry for this post.

  4. Pingback: Audrey Watters: Why Pre-School Should not Be “Just Like Amazon” | Diane Ravitch's blog

  5. I read this today after reading that Jeff Bezos has increased the minimum wage at Amazon to $15/hour. I don’t believe this undercuts Ms. Watters point about privatization of preschools. My hunch is that Mr. Bezos made that decision after determining that he can realize sufficient savings by replacing enough staff with robots so that he can make a profit after providing these raises. That’s the way the marketplace works: efficiency dictates operational decisions… and as long as the customers are happy any damage to employees and, in this case, the sense of community that public education brings, are collateral damage. Unfortunately the “sense of community” cannot be reduced to dollars and cents or a cold metric like a standardized test score. Anything immeasurable is lost when the path of privatization is pursued.

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