Summer is Over, School Begins in August

At this time of year, journalists and bloggers write about the obvious fact that schools begin in early September, the traditional start time for U.S. schools for nearly a century.  A few writers (and parents also) ask why the date for the end of smmer vacation keeps creeping backward into August (see here, here, and here). Answers include increased teacher efficiency  (more time to prepare students for standardized tests), catering to students and families (smoother closing of first semester before Xmas and getting out of school in late May which reduces graduating seniors’ shenanigans in last few weeks of school), while preserving other vacations during school year such as in February and April.

Current talk about shorter summers, however, is empty of the highly-charged, crisis-ridden vocabulary of 30 years ago about U.S. students spending far less time in schools than international peers who were beating the pants off Americans on tests.  In the 1980s, the short school year of 180 days was believed to be the cause of U.S. students’ mediocre showing on international tests. Recommendations for a longer school year (up to 220 days) came from A Nation at Risk (1983) and Prisoners of Time (1994) plus scores of other commissions and experts. In 2008, a foundation-funded report, A Stagnant Nation: Why American Students Are Still at Risk, found that the 180-day school year was intact across the nation. The length of the school year even with current earlier starts in August today remains around 180 days of school.

What about year-round schools?  There is a homespun myth, treated as fact, that the annual school calendar, with three months off for both teachers and students, is based on the rhythm of 19th-century farm life, which dictated when school was in session. Thus, planting and harvesting chores accounted for long summer breaks, an artifact of agrarian America. Not so.

Actually, summer vacations grew out of early 20th- century urban middle-class parents (and later
lobbyists for camps and the tourist industry) pressing school boards to release children to be with
their families for four to eight weeks or more. By the 1960s, however, policy maker and parent
concerns about students losing ground academically during the vacation months— in academic
language, “summer loss” — gained support for year-round schooling. Cost savings also attracted
those who saw facilities being used 12 months a year rather than being shuttered during the
summer.Nonetheless, although year-round schools were established as early as 1906 in Gary,
Indiana, calendar innovations have had a hard time entering most schools. Districts with year-round
schools still work within the 180-day year but distribute the time more evenly (e.g., 45 days in
session, 15 days off) rather than having a long break between June and September. As of 2011,
over 3,000 of the nation’s 100,000 public schools had a year-round calendar enrolling about four
percent of all students. Almost half of the year-round schools are in California. In most cases,
school boards adopted year-round schools because increased enrollments led to crowded facilities,
most often in minority and poor communities —not concerns over “summer loss” in academic

What about lengthened school day? Since the 1990s, especially in urban districts, children and youth coming to school earlier and leaving later with the addition of after-school programs has extended the school day in districts across the nation.

In the past half century, as the economy has changed and families increasingly have both (or single) parents working, schools have been pressed to take on childcare responsibilities, such as tutoring and home work supervision before and after school. Many elementary schools open at 7 a.m. for parents to drop off children and have after-school programs that close at 6 p.m. PDK/Gallup polls since the early 1980s show increased support for these before-and after-school programs. Instead of the familiar half-day program for 5-year-olds, all-day kindergartens (and prekindergartens for 4-year-olds) have spread swiftly in the past two decades, especially in low-income neighborhoods. Innovative urban schools, such as KIPP (Knowledge Is Power Program), run longer school days. They routinely open at 7:30 a.m. and closes at 5 p.m. and also schedules biweekly Saturday classes and three weeks of school during the summer.
If reformers want a success story in fixing school time, they can look to extending the school day, although it’s arguable how many of those changes occurred because of reformers’ arguments and actions and how much from economic and social changes in family structure and the desire to chase a higher standard of living. According to recent studies, high-quality after school programs improve children and youth attitudes, behaviors, and achievement (see OSTissuebrief10-1    ) .But those schools still run on 180-day schedules.
After thirty years of reform furor over long summers and insufficient time in school, reformers of that generation can look today at increasing numbers of  districts opening in mid-August yet many others still hanging on to an early September opening.  Extended day with child care and after-school programs have spread across the nation’s schools. For those school reformers then and now who still believe that more time in school leads to higher performance on tests, the results are, at best, mixed.
Even with reformers intense pressure to get U.S. students schooled for longer periods of time, pushback from parents, voters and taxpayers have kept the number of school days in session and vacations pretty close to what they have been for decades.


Filed under Reforming schools

9 responses to “Summer is Over, School Begins in August

  1. Many extended-day and after-school options are provided by private companies or by paying more to teachers & staff who run them; extending the school day will not be free, any more than a longer school year (and paying teachers for those additional days) will be.

    Given the reluctance of school districts to shell out for these, not to mention the hard time school districts have getting their states to provide funding in the first place, I don’t see that this is just the result of lobbying. Both “sides” here would have to give up something to make either a longer day OR year work; it’s not just the “keep it 180” crowd in play here.

  2. Joel VerDuin

    I think this is one of the best examples that I can think of to describe to a layperson why change in public schools is much more complex than most would realize.

    If you asked 100 people if longer school years made sense in terms of a better academic environment for students, a large number of them would likely agree.

    However, decades of calendar tweaking have brought us to a place that is really not much different. There are outliers as you point out, but the 9 month calendar dominates for lots of reasons; and most of them point to fact that school districts are as much social and political animals as they are an agent of community improvement. We have too many wants and needs to satisfy and some of them are at odds with providing better academic environments (such as starting before or after labor day depending on legislation).

    Too often we label schools, teachers or school leaders as unwilling to change or even stubborn. I’d argue that the issue is more often related to the complexities associated with an institution that can be beholden to competing interests.

    Your blogpost is a good read (maybe it is confirmation bias for me, but I don’t think so).

  3. Is there any research pro or con showing what year-round (greater that 180 days) does for students? How about year-round but still maintaining the 180 days? Some of the schools in Montana have gone to the 4 day week with longer days. The change was not academically motivated. It reduces transportation costs. It would be interesting to see if there was an academic change.

    I do not see the greater that 180 days being adopted. Like crunchydeb points out the increased cost would be a deal breaker. Increases in wages and increased maintenance requirements would be significant.

    • larrycuban

      By and large, year-round schools maintain 180 days. economics continue to drive changes in time kids go to school. Thanks for comment, Garth.

  4. Pingback: In Praise of Lazy | Freeing the Angel

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