Students and Teachers: Cartoons

For this month, I have chosen cartoons from Bill Watterson‘s Calvin and Hobbes and two of Matt Groening’s categorizations of teachers that a reader of an earlier post put me onto. These cartoons are caricatures, exaggerations of positive and negative traits that we see daily in schools and classrooms. They get me to laugh, see humor where I had not seen it before, and, yes, even smile and wince at the same time.

Since the fall of last year, I have posted once-monthly cartoons on different educational subjects. Previous ones have been:  “Digital Kids in School,” “Testing,” “Blaming Is So American,”  “Accountability in Action,” “charter schools,” and “Age-graded schools.”






Now to how one cartoonist sees different types of teachers:


Filed under how teachers teach

6 responses to “Students and Teachers: Cartoons

  1. Pingback: Students and Teachers: Cartoons | Eclectic Technology |

  2. Roger Sweeny

    It’s actually that the pretty decent pay and pension make up for the all too frequent lack of satisfaction. That and the times when things do go right.

  3. Pingback: Students and Teachers: Cartoons | E-Learning and Online Teaching Today

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  5. Pingback: Students and Teachers: Cartoons | Educational cartoons and jokes |

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