Funny Photos of Urban Commuters

I enjoy both cartoons about schooling and photos of urban life. Periodically, I publish cartoons poking at schooling in America. And from time to time, photos capture my attention and get me to smile or laugh out loud. This month I offer photos of those urbanites who use big city subways. Enjoy!

Creative bed, I’d say

Kitten carrier

Multi-tasking while commuting

Time for a snack

Anyone for some cheese?

Different pets for different folks

No, I do not know how this commuter got his “smart” car onto the subway

Halloween travelers on subway

The perfect book for the bachelor who commutes

Another commuter going to a Halloween party

And yet another party goer!

At first glance, I missed how this commuter was holding on as the train swayed back and forth. Creative rider, I’d say.

Another creative commuter coping with a crowded car

And when you crave 40-winks, try this

For some riders, an alternative reality is available on the commute

I have no idea what the woman is doing but a photographer caught her like this in a subway car*


*Reader Beth Hankoff solved the mystery for me. She pointed out that the woman outfitted a costume to look like a caterpillar emerging into a butterfly–note the face paint.


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2 responses to “Funny Photos of Urban Commuters

  1. These are great! I know what the last woman is doing. It’s a halloween costume. She is a caterpillar turning into a butterfly (note the face paint). Thanks for keeping us laughing at the end of the school year!

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