Cartoons on Digital Natives and Immigrants

The interactions between technology-wise children and their parents or other adults is raw material for cartoonists. I am not sure whether “digital natives” is a category that I would use but it is popular. After the cartoons, take a look at the at the article from The Chronicle of Higher Education that strips away the notion of “digital natives.” Enjoy!

kind wiFi















Dad and kid barter tech










































data on blackboard































Finally, an article about current college students, “Confronting the Myth of the ‘Digital Native,’ ” gets at the holes in the knowledge bank of older, supposedly more technologically sophisticated, students.



Filed under technology use

28 responses to “Cartoons on Digital Natives and Immigrants

  1. Pingback: Educational Policy Information

  2. Hi Larry, Hope you are well? Hope to see you in August when I am in Palo Alto.
    I have never bought into the “digital native” nonsense

    My housebound 87yr old Mum has had a tablet PC and WiFI for 4 yrs now since she had to stop driving

  3. Pingback: OTR Links 05/26/2014 | doug --- off the record

  4. I described Prensky’s phrase as “one of the most pervasive and pernicious concepts in this whole field:” at the ICICTE conference and in a paper I published in 2006. It genuinely dismays me that 12 years later, it’s equally vacuous progeny, “digital literacy” is just as widely and thoughtlessly pursued.

  5. Reblogged this on Clarissa Online and commented:
    Funny comics that show the difference between Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants.

  6. Pingback: Digital fluency | trussell75

  7. Pingback: References | Teaching in a Digital World

  8. Pingback: Introducing you to the students of today. | Digital Technology and Education.

  9. Pingback: The Fourth Fluency is “DIGITAL” | Teaching in a digital world

  10. Pingback: Digital Fluency | Together In Our Digital World

  11. Pingback: Digital Fluency | teachinginadigitalworld85

  12. Pingback: “Do digital natives exist?” – Miss Jade Kainz

  13. Brillliant cartoons, Il’ll definitely be putting them up in my academy The students will love them!

  14. Pingback: “Do digital natives exist?” – Miss Jade Kainz

  15. Pingback: First blog post – What are Digital and Communication Technologies? – Tahlia barakat

  16. Pingback: Re write of “Do digital natives exist?” – Miss Jade Kainz

  17. Pingback: The Digital World | Assessment 2

  18. Pingback: Major challenges for teaching in the Digital Age – Teaching in the Digital Age

  19. Florence Doyen

    Dear Larry,
    I work for an aeronautical company, and we’re having some interesting thoughts regarding the way digital natives pilots (and future pilots!) will have to be trained. Do you think I could use one of the cartoons of your website for the introduction of my presentation of our coming soon conference? I would be especially interested in using the one of the children looking at a webcast from outside his classroom… :o)
    Kind regards

  20. Pingback: “Do Digital Natives Exist?” – Siena Genua: COMMS140

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