Teachers Author a History Textbook: Being in the Right Place at the Right Time

In achieving success, talent is overrated while persistence and luck are underrated.


That is the takeaway from the story I will tell of how I (and a co-author) wrote a U.S. history textbook in the late-1960s that sought to reform how teachers teach history and along the way had a few years of modest success. By the late-1970s, however, the text had largely disappeared from the marketplace.

Beginning at Glenville high school in Cleveland in the late-1950s and after I moved to Washington, D.C. to work at Cardozo high school in 1963, I developed  instructional materials that incorporated primary sources on what was then called Negro history. Scott,Foresman published The Negro in America in 1964 (reissued in 1971 as The Black Man in America) as part of their “Problems in American History” series. The book introduced primary sources mixed with questions for students to answer in what was then called “The New Social Studies.”

In 1966, a Scott,Foresman editor contacted me and asked me if I would like to write a U.S. history textbook that would be a series of paperbacks and not the familiar three-pound, single volume text. I was very interested. Over the next five years, I and co-author Philip Roden, a teacher at Evanston High School (IL), authored five paperback volumes, each one of about 175 pages, called The Promise of America.


Conceptualizing the book as one that would engage students, get them to think about how the past informs the present, how historians interpret sources, and develop basic thinking skills was an exciting adventure for me. I wanted very much to capitalize on my experience of creating lessons with content that motivated students and turned history into detective stories with endings that students could figure out for themselves.

Phil Roden and I developed lessons around ordinary people in the past whose lives were linked to social and political movements and key events–a Forty-Niner prospecting for gold in California, a Polish immigrant working in the Chicago stockyards, and what it was like to live in early 20th-century New York City tenements. We used fiction–a passage from Stephen Crane’s The Red Badge of Courage in the Civil War unit–lyrics from protest songs sung by late-19th century farmers, and cartoons pointing to the devastating effects of the Industrial Revolution on children.

We connected the past to the present. With a chronological framework, we would insert links to the present. For example, in the background of the Spanish-American War (1898), we included primary sources that got at the tension between national self-interest (acquiring colonies) and national ideals (democratic government) connecting both to the then war in Vietnam.

And we built critical thinking skills into the content of history. Our questions following readings, photos, cartoons, and charts aimed for comprehension, analysis, and evaluation. For example, a cartoon about inequality before the Civil War, students saw a foot-race featuring white runners with a black runner with ball-and-chain, a woman, and a Native American sitting on the bench. The winners would get wealth, security, and achievement.

photo 4

We asked students comprehension questions–what did they see in the cartoon. We asked them who the bench-sitters represented and why they were there. We asked for evidence that would support such a representation of equality and inequality before the Civil War. We asked how they would draw the cartoon after Reconstruction.

Or when students finished readings on Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Poor People’s Campaign in Washington, D.C. (1968), we asked them: “How did the goals and methods of the reformers who went on the Poor People’s Campaign compare to those reformers between 1830 and 1860?”

In the early 1970s, Promise of America sold well in high schools and middle schools especially for students designated as “slow learners” or “under-achievers.”  By the late-1970s, however, back-to-basics and traditional instruction had seized U.S. schools; reformers had turned their backs on open classrooms, student-centered activities, and connecting the present and the past. The hard-back, single volume three-pound textbook returned to history classrooms. Sales dropped to zero by the end of the 1970s.

But, oh, what a fine run it was for those years! Writing five paperbacks, seeing them published, hearing from students and teachers who loved and hated the readings, cartoons, photos, and questions, getting the book banned in communities outraged by the language used in the text, and inquiry-driven lessons–it was a personal high. Just thinking that maybe some students and teachers learned that history was far more than recalling facts for a test was more than worth the effort.

I and Phil Roden were lucky in being around at a time–a door opened–when reformers called for major changes in traditional history instruction and a national publisher was willing to invest in a totally different kind of U.S. textbook. We were young teachers who believed that what we produced would be better for both teachers and students in learning history. We worked five years–we persisted–and saw our work get into classrooms. Then the door closed.


Did Promise of America alter daily instruction in classrooms?  Textbooks are tools and it depended greatly on who the teachers were, what they believed, and what expertise they had. Chances are that the paperbacks may have helped those teachers ready for the kind of content and skills we offered but in most classrooms where Promise of America was the text, well, I cannot say.


Filed under how teachers teach, school reform policies

15 responses to “Teachers Author a History Textbook: Being in the Right Place at the Right Time

  1. Shelly beaser

    I began teaching 45 years ago and for a few years i taught using your books! I haven’t found a better series and now that I teach methods to future teachers I describe what a great approach you developed. Thanks

  2. Art

    Great to hear the story behind these books. I used all or parts of all five for more than 30 years with “students designated as “slow learners” or “under-achievers.”” at a suburban [at least for NH] high school. These were excellent materials, wonderful sources of primary source material and very interesting activities. After they were out of print, we bought many from the Follett used books catalog. At one time, we even had some of them rebound in hardcover. Thanks!

  3. Dina Portnoy

    I used those texts with special Ed and regular classes in English and history in an urban high school in the 80s and early 90s. I never found anything to equal the interdisciplinary nature of them and the way they engaged students. Thanks!

  4. Pingback: Starting at Glenville HS, Cleveland: Teachers A...

  5. Gary Ravani

    When I began student teaching, around 1973, my master teacher gave me access to his file cabinet of resources. There I found a set of these books I believe he’d picked up from a social studies conference. The text in use was one of the standard 5 pound tombs. I used ideas from those texts throughout my teaching career ending in 2008. Some of the best teaching ideas I’d come across–ever.

    • larrycuban

      Ah, Gary, how nice to hear that you also used POA in your teaching. I appreciate the many comments that have come from former teachers like yourself about the paperbacks.

  6. Debbie Margolis

    Hi, Larry,
    When I left San Mateo High 11 years ago (!), I held onto a set of your books and last looked at one…yesterday! Do I win the prize?! I’m teaching U.S. history again and make a point of looking at the Promise of America when I design a unit. While the Vietnam War is no longer current, your approach and writing are still fresh. : )

    Thank you for writing the books, lo those many years ago, and for writing this blog today. Many years after Stanford, you still shape my thoughts about teaching and keep me connected to a wider community. Thank you!

    • larrycuban

      Debbie, what a treat to see your comment about POA. And has it been 11 years since you were at San Mateo High School? Yes, you win the prize for still incorporating ideas and lessons from POA. Thanks so much for taking the time to write.

  7. I don’t know where I picked up your textbook, but I am finding it to be one of the best resources for engaging my son who I homeschool and has special needs in discussions about American history and contemporary issues. We are studying the civil war up through the civil rights movement and the 3rd volume, breaking and building is right up our alley. What additional resources would you suggest? I wanted to connect language arts with history, so do you recommend reading Badge of Courage or any other novels? He is 11, so middle school age.

    • larrycuban

      How kind of your to comment on The Promise of America series I co-authored–hard to believe–over 45 years ago. I am glad that you and your son find it useful for U.S. history. Connecting literature to Civil War occurs in Crane’s Red Badge. If my memory holds, the protagonist is a young teenager himself. That would be a start. Sadly, I have not followed the young-adult lit on the Civil War. Red Badge would be a good start, however.

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